Knowing it hurts

hi i am Samantha I've been bullied since i was 7 and now 13. I've gotten bullied to the point where I almost wanted to die. The reason was being called things I wasn't and rumors that almost made me lose my best friends and also from being bisexual. I got mostly bullied from being bisexual and that made me not accept who I was. I mostly gave up from people I found people but then got rumors spread about me and I lost them. I told my friend and he said why didn't you come to me sooner and I said maybe because I was scared maybe I couldn't lose another friend he accepted who I was. But things got worse I cried for three days in school and th asmtha it made breathing harder for me because I stop breathing when I cry. I just hope one day I will stop crying in my sleep or crying myself to sleep. Hope it will get better.

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