It will all get better!

I was bullied for 3 years now. I didn't know how to deal with it and i though about suicide. My grades dropped and i started eating that way i got fat and i almost failed school. It was horrible. All those stuff made kids push themselfs even more to insult me. I didn't know how to deal with it. I would keep the pain to myself and i wouldn't talk to anyone about it. It was killing me everyday. When 2013 started i wanted to make a difference in my life. Enough was enough! I faced people and i started learning that it will all get better in time and it did. I started getting better grades, I went to the gym and I made some new friends that will stay there forever. My childhood will be a period of life that i wish it would never happen that way but it did and life goes on no matter what! I will do the best to not hold on to that anymore. I will make a difference for myself and i will help anyone who has gone through the same thing at me. IT GETS BETTER!

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