While growing up my mother abused me daily. Both physical and mental, I could come home with good grades and get beat. So just think what happened with bad ones. Everyday she told me I would never be loved, I could never be anyone important. That I will only grow up to be a worthless bum. The came school, I was over weight and my mother never got me new cloths. All the kids made fun of me, for years I went to school and was picked on, then went home and was beaten and abused more. I myself attempted suicide seven times over the years. The fact that I was not safe at home or school turned me to drugs. I used and abused them for years. Four years ago I tried to kill myself, it worked. I blacked out after throwing up blood and urinating it. The next thing i can remember was waking up to the doctor "clear..... He's back, we have a pulse" I looked over and seen my little brother face and it destroyed me. At that point I knew if i would not live for myself I had to stay here for him. Over the past two years I got clean of all drugs. Finished high school, and enrolled into college. Tell him I love him everyday and let him know no matter how bad mom gets I am here. Thank God!!! Life is not easy, it did not help with a mother like that. But I fought and am here for a reason. I have an amazing family now. Half not even blood, I have a beautiful girlfriend with a little girl on the way. Then my little brother came to me and told me he was being bullied in school. Because I am not his father I cannot talk to anyone in the school about this. I knew I had to try and do something. So I started a support page on facebook 'Stop Hate and Spread Love' I fought for my life so my brother can see there are reasons to live. But now I can't even do anything but listen and say it will get better. We need to stop this before we lose more kids to bullying then any other death out there.
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