I'm Ashley, I am 13. I've been bullied since I walked into pre-K. Little 3/4 year olds would come up to me and make fun of what I'm wearing or how I wore my hair.to think it started when I was so young. I only had guy friends because of this, even up till now. Every year there was always that one kid who had to Harass me. But finally when I went to the 6th grade everything got so much better, I become popular. I had a great group of friends and everyone would always want to talk to me. But sometimes I think I got into the whole being popular thing to much. I wasn't mean but I came across it sometimes. The ending of that school year I noticed I wasn't myself, I would lash or at people, get sad easily, my emotions just weren't right. I went to therapist in may after my 12th birthday. I didn't think I needed it so I didn't go back. I thought it was for crazy people. And during this time I was the most judge mental girl you would ever meet. remember talk about this girl to my friend. we were talking about how she cuts and she is crazy and weird. Well that girl I talked about is now my best friend. Well after the appointment I never went back. But I still felt weird. My friends started ditching me and that's when I knew something wast right. In July I started cutting. In August my mom found out and made me go to therapy. I then got put on mess for depression, anger,anxiety, and frustration. But the way I act I think I'm bipolar. Well the begging of the school year came. Going into 7th grade. the worst year of my life. I had a boyfriend and I would always get hate for it but it got to the point where my reputation was ruined. They made disturbing rumors about me and him, a group of girls in his grade(8th). But later on I found out he started them. We broke up and because of the rumors I only had 1 friend, he was my best friend. till some stuff happened. Things got better but then bad again more rumors and the never ending drama. My group of friends in 6th grade were friends with me again and we let this girl in our group. She was friends with that girl I used to make fun of behind her back. At his girl we let in our Farouk became my best friend. But later on we weren't. We got into stop many fights. I left that group and became the with the girl talked about. She is now my best friend. But that girl we let in made a fake Facebook account about me. My name my pictures. She messaged guys telling them I want to do stuff with them. It was disturbing. Some didn't believe it was a fake a count either. I have the worst reputation in town for things people make up not what I do.ive tried divide 11 times this year but failed. I don't even know that to do anymore.but that is some of the things this year. And probably many more.
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