I have just watched the Bully feature film. I was extremely moved by the story of Alex Hopkins. The young boy, who was bullied on the school bus and who's school more or less brainwashed him to believing he was not being bullied.
My heart broke. I believe that such a boy has such a kind heart, and is so innocent and it made me furious to watch his teachers make him and his parents believe that they were helpless.
My school is so excellent about bullying, and when I was bullied, they made the boys that made my life hell so scared to do anything they would not even dare to look at me in the corridors.
I wish every single school had this attitude.
That is my one wish.
That people who have beautiful souls like Alex Hopkins, may lead a beautiful life and I have made it my goal in life to become a head teacher and to enforce such an attitude.
I will never stop.
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