ing isn't that big of a deal to anyone.. besides me. Hi :) my name is Victoria and this is my story. i used to say ing in my speech randomly and i didn't notice at all only one person did. for the sake of this story im going to call him Billy. when Billy caught on he told his friends and they all started  saying ing all the time and i was just like its a stupid boy thing whatever and went on in my happy unicorn way. a few months later Billy asked why i didn't get offend when they said ing and i (still thinking it was a stupid boy thing)was like why should i? and billy said wow your strong i wish i could face bullying like you. i froze jaw drop classic movie moment. i went home and cried and not that oh i have dirt in my eye cry like full out ballin i went to school for the next 3 year only hearing ing even though i had stopped saying it completely. i got to a deep depression:( Then one day i said i was done with being bullied.. i decide to be nice to everyone and be so kind. i was done being down

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