
ing is on the end of a lot of words. for me its they way i was bullied.  hi my name is Victoria and im 16. back when i was in seventh grade i said ing as a word in my speech and didnt notice it.  one day i heard 3 boys saying ing back and forth laughing. i honestly thought it was a dumb thing they were saying. 4 months later the whole grade was saying it and i still didnt figure out it was me they were bullying. one of my friends pointed asked why i didnt get mad when they said it an i was like why would i and he said there making fun of you. this really got to me 8th grade it was still going on but i lost that one friend  had.. i was alone completely alone. and i didnt even say ing in my speech anymore  freshman year all i heard in the halls and on my facebook was ing.  i cried everyday when i got home i didnt know what to do about it.. i attempted suicide... luckily my friend had messaged me saying how sorry she was for something she in back in 6th grade. she saved my life.  in 11th grade ing had finally went away. i still dont have many friends but im greatful for the 1 friend i have :)

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