Hi my name is Morgan and I am a victim of bullying at all started in 4th grade I got call ugly , fat , nasty, trailer trash and ALOT more it continued on into 5th && 6th grade. And 7th..8th... This year I have tryed to commit suside 3 times and I was hospitalized 2 time the first time in Raleigh for 2 weeks one time wasn't enough for me I tryed it once more and I was in the hospital for 1 week && 4 days... it's was worse than the first time and I wount y'all to know that Y'ALL R NOT ALONE and that IF U NEED ANYONE TO TALK TO I WILL TALK ALL NIGHT IF U NEED TO and that if u r getting bullied please tell someone if u don't it can get to the point that it like me and has to see a theripist and please if ur having susidal thoughts TELL SOMEONE and YOUR NOT ALONE ONCE AGAIN UR NOT ALONE TELL SOMEONE ....i was also a cutter...
Don't let no body change you
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