I've been bullied for about 4 years now. In 8th grade, it started getting bad. I got punched in the hallway at school, and I didn't tell anyone about it for a month or so. I was too afraid to tell anyone. Then In November of my 8th grade year, I found out I was born with a back problem, a few girls in my choir class decided that they were going to make fun of me for it every chance they could; I couldn't get away from them because they sat all around me. My best friend was in my choir class also. When the last choir concert had come, I was already upset because my sister had cut herself right before we left to go to my concert. Since I had a back problem, i had a back brace, and that's why the girls were making fun of me. Anyway, I was talking to two of my friends, and one of them was my best friend. Two girls had come up behind me and started messing with my back brace, and ran away laughing. About a minute or two, they came back and I asked why the did that and they said they didn't know what I was talking about. After that, I cried my eyes out. My best friends tried to cheer me up, and it was kinda working, but it still really hurt. My choir teacher saw me crying, and came up to me and asked what was wrong, and my mom talked to her, she hugged me. She (my choir teacher) noticed that they had bullied me every day in her class, she talked to my best friend to get the names, and the girls never bothered me again. During the summer, going into 9th grade, I moved to a small town, and when school started, I got bullied from day one. Some guy started calling me names like, Big tank, and he called me fat and ugly. And did it everyday. He found every little flaw about me to make fun of. My new school doesn't do anything about people who aren't in sports, so the bullying kept happening, everyday. over texting. I still have the messages. And by the end of the year, Two other people started calling me big tank. I'm so done with everything. I'm fed up. After watching the movie Bully, I really want to stand up, but i'm too shy. I'll stand up for other people, just not myself. Plus I'm depressed all the time and I hardly come out of my room. I just need help.
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