I thought it was ok

I'm 30 years old and I just watch bully on Netflix, I must say it touched my soul....I was brought to tears many times. I was bullied when I was younger and I thought that I needed to take it because I was afraid that I wouldn't fit in if I ever stood up for myself. I'm a recovering addict, I think that the bullying was a factor in why I used because I wanted to fit in. Maybe if I knew that I didn't have to take the abuse maybe it wouldn't have been so natural for me to abuse myself with the many years of using. I can relate to all kids that are unfortunately a victim of bullying. But I know now that it was wrong and I didn't have to take it and think that if I spoke out it would get worse. If your a witness to bullying or a victim of bullying stand up and speak out because maybe just maybe you will save a life, if this post helps just one person then my words weren't wasted and I made a difference, that's all I ask. Someone once said to me that there are there necessities that mammals need to live water, food and companionship. BULLYING KILLS...STAND UP FOR THE SILENT SAVE A LIFE!!

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