Hi my name is Lorena, I am 13 years old and this is my bullying story from 2014.
March 18,2014. I got jumped on the street my life changed i have so much in my mind i want to go crazy.I was warned that day at school people saying at each class oh your going to get jumped today.I actually didn't belive any one who warned, me because I tought they where lying.That day after school i was walking home, and i got warned again.After that every thing happened out of no where,I got kicked in he head twice i got a concusion. After the fight my mom gets a call from my friend saying sorry but your daughter just got jumped in the street right now, my mom "sighs and crys" that day she was far away from home she was in the hospital with my grandma.After she came home she medtley called the police,the police asked where you warned i sid yes i was warned today at school.He didn't wnant to belive me to because i did self defence, this video ended up on facebook. i was amberessed,i didn't go to school for a week.When i went back to school evry one was laughing at me, and string at me. I moved schools this girl found me shes much older than me shes 16 and shes bullying me. She says this bullying isnt over it still has to happen till im gone from here.So i ended up cutting my armd bitting them and hitting my self i didnt want to be alive no more because of the bullying. I ended up in a mental hospital May 2,2014. Then Again June 6,2014 again bullying and cutting. Bullying needs to have a stop of this already, I'm sick of tired of every kid making fun of others who are hurt inside like me. I keep my words to my self, but it dosent work i have to speak up so every one who is getting bullied out there, Keep your head up high and laugh at you bullies because i do that now.By writing some words below, you are showing your support and letting everyone know they're not alone.
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