I know a lot about bullying.
And I help people who are being bullied I talk to them I even talk to there mom about it. Because sometimes young people don't like telling there mom or grown ups about there bullying they sometimes want advice from someone there own age who knows a lot about bullying and so they come to me and every time I help them to thank me a lot because I helped them more then I thought I did just like last week someone asked me for help because he was getting bullied and I said sure I'm always here for you what's going on?
And he said I'm getting bullied in school and I'm too scared to tell mom and I said ok I will work with you every step of the way to get this bullying thing outta your life and guess what? I got it out of his life he was on the edge of killing him self! Because of the bullies he told me that his Teachers and Headmaster did not scare..... Now you may think that all schools have really nice kinda teachers but they don't you get the odd one who don't give a dam about you. So what did I do? I did not go to his school I did not tell his mom but I wroe to the Education Department and they took it seriously and took actiong and 2 weeks later the Bullies went.
But I am here for anyone who needs help but if they want help and keep it just between someone there age then I would but if I can not help them then I would tell someone about there bullies but ever since I started to help people from the age of 14 I helped a lot of kids who has been bullied and I'm proud because they are getting a better Education and not worrying about bullies and not being scared walking home because I do hate bullies! And sometimes I do go the extra mile to get bullies out of a school because all bullies want to do is hurt or even kill someone.
Bullies know they are killing someone and they don't care because bullies are just pathetic people who like to pick on the weak and sometimes there too scared to even go in school do we want kids and teens being scared to go into a school where there friends are? NO we don't what we want tho is to stop bullying! Bullying to me is basically Attempted Murder the bullies may not have a knife they may not have a good but what they do have is they Horrible words and there hands and the victim gives up in the end and that's what the bullies want they want to win at everything even if that is trying to kill you.... We are loosing too many young people who only wanted a great life and a great Education but they don't make it that far in life because over stupid little pathetic Animals there not Human beings there Animals hunting for its pray and when it gets its pray it won't back down till they win the fight! But it needs to stop NOW!!!!
If you need someone to talk to about anything at all then I am here and I will always be here.
But remember if ur getting bullied and ur scared too tell anyone at least tell someone close to you because you want a education you want a life you want to be Happy not scared you want to be free unlike those Animals who don't want anything.
So remember I'm always here for you and I will always help you
Thank you
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