When I was bullied I was very unhappy. I was picked on a lot in school, girls was calling me names and I was crying. I didn't know what to do at the time. People that would pick on me was mostly girls, and the reason why girls we're picking on me was because, they were jealous of something that I had and they wish to have it to. How many of you all has ever been bullied before, and it's okay to speak up if you all have you all are not the only one. Just like I say I've been bullied a lot in school. I want to give you all information on bulling, we all need to speak up and tell everybody that bullying can be a serious and dangerous thing. For an example, kids in high school has been bullied and they are afraid to speak up, this girl name Phoebe was picked on a lot in school and she came home one day and went in her room. Her mother was cooking dinner for her and was calling her to come down and eat. No respond, so her mom came into her room and found her daughter in her room. Her daughter had hung herself, her mom wanted to know why she had done it. The reason, why she had done it was because she was been bullied so bad that she couldn't take it no more. So remember you all are not alone we need to speak up and give the people our peace of mind on why these people are bullying us. For more information visited stopbullying.org or visited me on my mother page it's [email protected]. Thanks again for letting me talk to you all and I hope you all have a wonderful day. Hope you all learned a lot and remember you all are not alone.
Haliwa-Saponi Princess Tiera Lynch 2014-2015
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