I was 11 years old when the bullying started. I am 12 now, the bullying was verbal. I didn't have anyone to talk to about it, I felt that no one would understand. I started talking to people on Tumblr, they helped me through. I started self-harming at 11 and I'm trying to stop, I'm now 5-7 months clean. And it DOES get better.
stay strong lovelies<3
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Rosemary Pritzker commented 2013-04-02 11:52:08 -0400Hi Greta, thanks so much for sharing your story and reaching out. I’m so glad to hear you’re no longer hurting yourself. Is the bullying still going on? If so, there’s a lot you can do to transform your school community so that everyone feels safe and respected. Here are some suggestions:
1.) Check out our tools and resources here: http://www.thebullyproject.com/tools_and_resources to find ways of taking action 2.) host a screening of BULLY in your home and invite people you feel safe with, then have a meaningful discussion afterward, using the tools and resources for fuel. Do this here: http://www.thebullyproject.com/calendar
3.) see if your school would be interested in using our Educators DVD and Toolkit to transform your school’s culture from one of hurt and exclusion to one of empathy and action. you can find one sympathetic teacher to ask about this, or bring it to the principal. they can order the kit for $29.99 here: http://www.thebullyproject.com/preorder
Above all, be sure you’re regularly reaching out to others who can support you! Thanks for becoming a part of this movement by sharing your story.
The BULLY Project