I had a lot of friends in elementary school, but when the girls started to grow boobs, everything changed for me. I entered middle school still looking a lot like a pudgy little fifth grader but as puberty progressed, so did my waist line. In sixth grade, the mockery was tolerable and limited to the dodgeball court and recess but in seventh grade it became torturous. The second day of seventh grade, I walked across the cafeteria to throw my lunch away and thats when I heard it. Soft mooing. I didn't really think anything of it at first but thats when it became harder to ignore. I looked over and saw a table of boys giggling and looking at me. As I turned to walk away I heard it again, this time more audible. They did that every time I walked by them for over a year until finally I stood up for myself. That's all it takes sometimes, just standing up for yourself once. To think telling one of those boys they had a small penis would end the bullying.
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