I can remember bulling started in about 6th grade, i got made fun of for being short, and having a 'big forehead'. I didn't realize that was just the beginning, 8th grade my friends were very fake towards me, they made fake facebooks of me, bullying me, when we fought they said horrible hurtful things to me, then my freshman year of high school is when it was really bad. People used every social network to attack me, i had no friends. People hated me, then i started to hate me too. i ended up moving houses & schools because the bullying was so bad i just needed to leave, i begged my parents to leave. so my first semester at my new school & i still made no friends, i didn't understand why. i started to self harm, the hatred i had for myself was so unbearable i had to do something, i got into fights with people on twitter and face book and instagram, everything. i just couldnt handle the thought of people not caring if i was alive or not, i self harmed almost everyday. and now my legs and arms are filled with scars. but its slowly getting better, as the days go on, im better.
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