I'm a military child. I move around every two to three years. My brother and I were both bullied in our current duty station. His case involved more physical bullying; he was chased out of his favorite sport, baseball. The team trampled his belongings and threw food at him during lunch. They isolated him and eventually he quit the team. He's no longer an outgoing extrovert, he's extremely awkward and quiet. My case started on facebook. I'd made friends with a couple of girls and they started a 'bash page' just for me. They added a bunch of the 'cool' kids and eventually the rumors on it made their way into school. I sat by myself for an entire year at lunch; I had books knocked out of my hands; kids tripped me in the hallway and called me names under their breath. Everyone in the school knew I was being bullied, but no one said anything. They kept quiet or ended up joining in. After going to both administrators and my parents and getting nothing, I decided to speak up for myself. The next time one of those girls said something about me, I spoke up. It was really hard and seemed to drag on forever. I then took every opportunity available to educate those around me on the effects of bullying. One of my bullies was in my english class when I gave a presentation on it. I blocked out the names and used their bash page to show how awful bullying can be. The students were astounded. I've used this presentation a couple different times since then and as far as I know, the girls haven't cyberbullied anyone since. No one was there for me, but I want to be there for someone else. I'm here to listen.
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