Every Step is hard, but can move forward..

Like you have once lived in those very shoes being bullied. Years ago when I was  kid we didn't have computers as much as we do now, computers were just beginning. no social networks either so my only break was when I was home crying to my mom about being so hurt by words. I was teased because my nose looked like a "witches" nose or always known as roman nose. Not fun. I had medical issues and problems walking without twisting my foot as I walked falling down kids would laugh at me. Gym class I hated running because my feet didn't go straight up and down rather side ways everyone laughed then too. My list is endless. I survived those days even when I felt hopeless and worthless too. Over time I have learned I am strong inside and have come farther then I had back then. Some people still don't want to see things I do, but I know I work hard. Now I have a group on face book inspired by my children who too face bullying challenges as I once did too. I want them to know they aren't alone, Mom has survived her time and reaches out to others now too.  Every step is hard but can move forward and move ahead.

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