Ego and bullying

A self-proclaimed eleven-year-old "visionary," he brought every bully under one roof, established a corporate hierarchy, and then turned bullying into a systematic & scalable enterprise, which subsequently proceeded to terrorize hundreds, and later thousands as it spread from one school to the next… 

And in the meanwhile, this so-called visionary was hailed as a hero by the community, including many educators, who applauded his "vision" of "building a better school," subsequently promoting community-wide events, and a mass movement that propagated his vision even more as it spread from one school to the next, bringing communities together, hundreds of thousands of people… and all in the name of "charity." 

So what do you do? If you stand up, nobody will believe you. He was a hero. A "miracle worker." He was the only kid ever to stop all bullying in a school in a single heartbeat… and resume it at will. Again and again... the inspiration of reform, the voice of a movement, of building a better school… and the more suffering inflicted, the more his vision was loved.

This is my bully story. This is what I chose to fight. This was a long time ago, but its consequences still reverberate today.

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