Do you let people bring you down? Why? Why do you let them in .. Don't let anybody invade your privacy or take your confidence because the only reason they are bullying you is because they have personal problems too. (KEEP THAT IN MIND) Sometimes they just want to see if you are going to give in or stand up for yourself show that you're more than what he/she thinks you are. (That DOESNT Mean Start A Fight) It means stand your own ground. Because even though he/she will get upset they will always remember your words. You're Amazing & if you are reading this and ever been bullied and called names.... YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE I PROMISE AND NEVER NEED TO CHANGE A SOUL OF WHO YOU ARE .. WHATEVER THEY SAY ABOUT YOU DOESNT MATTER THEYRE NOT YOU.. YOU ARE YOU AND YOU BE THE PERSON YOU ARE.😘💪BE STRONG AND POSITIVE AND I GUARANTEED💯 YOU WILL MAKE IT IN LIFE.👌👑
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