In the film "The Bully Project" their was a boy named Alex. Alex was from my hometown of Sioux City, Iowa and attended East Middle School, a school across town from mine. Onced they showed the film to us, I was absolutely appalled. I had several mixed emotions going through my head after finishing the film. I at first was sad that kids were so vicious and cold hearted to a boy who was just trying to go to school and fit in. Then I was extremely angry and wanted to beat the living crap out of his bullys (I know violence isn't the answer but sometimes to teach a bully a lesson you need to give them a taste of their own medicine) I was shocked that the administration at East Middle were so ignorant and incompetent to the situation it amazed me how they even got hired in the first place. Bullying is a very significant problem in America but it made me ashamed and embarrassed that it was happening in my hometown. The only offense Alex ever committed was being different and for having his own individuality/uniqueness he was verbally and physically abused by people who looked at him like he was some kind of outcast. I wish I could meet Alex and apologize to him on the behalf of my town and tell him how I wish I had the power to go back in time so I could have protected him, I would have been the bystander who stood up and ended it before it even started. If you guys read this please share this with him, hopefully you stay in touch with the kids you featured in the film. Let him know people are still thinking about him. I believe he moved to Oklahoma shortly before the film was released. In the end we all need to take a stand to erase bullying from our schools, even if it will make the smallest impact it will mean something big to someone. Follow Me on Twitter ->@TheMidwestHero
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