Dear YOU,

In the sixth grade I joined a homeschool program in the effort to try and stay away from the bullying everyone knew was in our city's schools. I went on an amazing trip to New York City and was happy....until I realized I was alone. All of my friends from elementary school had either forgotten about me or changed. The remaining few that didn't would try to hang out with me but I had become so antisocial. So I joined public school and was happy. Then the seventh grade happened. All of my friends had different lunches or didn't want to be friends with me for some reason. So I started hanging out with my guy friends that had my lunch and rumors started. I was a slut or a lesbian to everyone. No one wanted to talk to me or even be seen with me but everyone wanted to talk about me. I went numb. That year was a blur that I can't see through...I wasted a year of my life. Somehow the bullying stopped though. Eighth grade passed and it was wonderful. I loved every bit of it. Now I am a freshmen and in ASB but the bullying has started again. Just ONE person started it and everyone believed. Once again I was labeled a slut. I'll say it, I'm popular. I have a lot of friends. I'm liked. Yet behind my friendliness and smiles I'm in pain. But I refuse to let this do anything less than push me to my full potential. I will stand up for those that I see are bullied and I will end this. Maybe not now, but I promise you, it will end and I will be a part of the reason it did.

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