
Right now I am currently in the 8th grade. I'm not the most popular one at my school but I also don't get picked on. I would say that I'm a pretty likeable person. But, just a couple of weeks ago, I went through my first heartbreak. It was very hard for me. He told people about it which is okay with me because I did to. But, those people told other people and this girl from my old school called me out over Instagram. She told me to stop f-ing with him. I then said things back to her. They weren't bad but I knew that I shouldn't even have responded. It really hurt me when she called me names such as a "cry baby" and that I was annoying. The feeling I got when I saw that was horrible. And to make things worse, I lost a friend. People started judging me before they even knew the whole story. But, now that I've been through this, I know who my true friends are. I know this isn't as near as bad as some of the things that are happening, but for those people what I have to say is this: Stay strong. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. Know that there are people out there who care for and love you. Someone would be absolutely devastated if you took your life. Live life to the fullest and love every minute of it. <3

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