Join The BULLY Project and our partners over the next few months on our conference call series, which we've developed to give you access to some of the best minds in the bullying prevention and social and emotional learning fields. Below are short bios of our guest speakers and the RSVP links to each conference call. We invite you to RSVP to one or all of the calls and look forward to your participation!
"Clarifying Bullying: Its Definition and Common Misconceptions"
Presenter: Deborah Temkin, Ph.d. Robert F. Kennedy Center Project Seatbelt
Date: Tuesday, February 25th 2014 7PM EST. Click here to RSVP.
Deborah Temkin, Ph.D. is the Bullying Prevention Manager at the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. In this capacity, she founded and launched RFK Project SEATBELT, a bullying prevention campaign that focuses on creating safe environments that stop bullying before it starts. Before launching Project Seatbelt, Dr. Temkin lead the federal initiative on bullying prevention at the U.S. Department of Education from 2010–2012. In that role, she designed and led three national summits on the issue and helped coordinate the 2011 White House Conference on Bullying. She was also charged with leading efforts to provide the public with technical assistance on bullying, designing and contributing to research on definitions and anti-bullying laws and policies, and coordinating an interagency collaboration of nine federal departments. She was recognized as a finalist for the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals in 2012 for her work at the Department of Education. Click here to listen to a recording of this call.
"Bullying and the Law: What Families Need to Know"
Presenter: Adele Kimmel, Public Justice
Date: Tuesday March 11th, 2014 at 7pm EST. Click here to RSVP.
Adele P. Kimmel is the Managing Attorney at the D.C. headquarters of Public Justice. Since joining Public Justice in 1994, she has served as counsel in a wide variety of precedent-setting cases, with a particular emphasis on civil rights issues. Adele areas of practice include bullying cases on behalf of students, constitutional and tort cases on behalf of immigrant detainees and prisoners, sex discrimination class actions on behalf of women intercollegiate athletes, retaliation cases on behalf of intercollegiate coaches, and employment discrimination cases. Ms. Kimmel also spearheaded Public Justice’s Anti-Bullying Campaign, which seeks to hold school districts and officials accountable for failing to protect students from bullying, make systemic changes in the ways that schools respond to bullying incidents, and educate attorneys about best practices for handling bullying cases.
Read Adele's follow up to her presentation on Bullying and The Law here.
Presenter: Rebecca Randall, Common Sense Media
Date: Tuesday March 18th at 7PM EST. Click Here to RSVP.
Rebecca Randall is the Vice President of Education Programs at Common Sense Media. Rebecca has more than a decade of experience working in the nonprofit sector on behalf of children and families. Rebecca is a widely sought after speaker on kids’ media and technology use and has spoken to several thousand (and counting) parents and educators to offer guidance on how they can raise kids who are safe, smart, and responsible media users and creators. Rebecca holds a BA in Social Work from the University of New Hampshire and an MA in Social Service Administration from the University of Chicago. Click here to listen to a recording of this call.
"Bullying and Special Needs"
Presenter: Sheldon Horowitz, Ed.D. National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD)
Date: Tuesday March 25th, 2014 at 7PM EST. Click here to RSVP.
Sheldon Horowitz, Ed.D., is the director of LD resources and essential information at the National Center for Learning Disabilities. Prior to his arrival at NCLD in 1996, he served as the associate director of the Learning Diagnostic Center at Schneider Children's Hospital, Long Island Jewish Medical Center (LIJMC) in New Hyde Park, NY. Sheldon has taught at primary, secondary, and college levels, and worked as a consultant to school districts throughout the New York City metropolitan region. His interests include: neurobiology of learning, educational assessment, fetal alcohol effects in children, language-based learning disabilities, disorders of hyperactivity and attention, and learning disabilities in adolescents. Click here to listen to a recording of this call.
“Using BULLY in the Classroom”
Presenter: Marti Tippens Murphy, Director, and Dan Alba, Senior Program Associate, Facing History and Ourselves, Los Angeles.
Date: Tuesday April 1st at 7PM EST. Click here to RSVP.
Since BULLY was released, we've had the amazing support of Facing History and Ourselves (FHO) in developing and implementing anti-bullying resources across the nation. FHO is an organization that has been offering teachers and students ways to confront prejudice, empathy, fear and violence for over 32 years. FHO organized anti-bullying summits utilizing BULLY and FHO's resources with hundreds of schools in Cincinnati, Los Angeles, Memphis, Oakland, San Francisco, and others.
We are pleased to have Marti Tippens and Dan Alba of FHO as our Expert Guests for this call. Marti Tippens has been with FHO since 1997. As Director, she provides overall leadership for organizational advancement in Los Angeles. Dan Alba, FHO's Senior Program Associate, joined FHO staff in 1994 after years of teaching social studies, government, economics, psychology, and U.S. history in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Both Marti and Dan have played an essential role in developing materials, and implementing BULLY and BULLY Project resources across the Los Angeles County area.
Join us in discussing ways in which the film can be used as a resource to combat bullying in your schools and communities. In preparation of the call, please click here to download A Guide to the Film BULLY.
Click here to listen to a recording of this call.
“Bullying Prevention Programs: What works”
Presenter: Dorothy Espelage, Ph.D.
Date: Tuesday April 15th at 7PM EST. Click here to RSVP.
Dr. Espelage is a Professor of Child Development in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She is a University Scholar and has fellow status in Division 17 (Counseling Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. Her research focuses on translating empirical findings into prevention and intervention programming. She is currently funded by the CDC and is conducting a randomized clinical trial of a bullying prevention program in 36 middle schools. She authored a 2011 White House Brief on bullying among LGBTQ youth and attended the White House Conference. She is also funded by National Science Foundation to develop better methods to assess bullying among adolescents. Click here to listen to a recording of this call.
“Rethinking Effective Bully and Violence Prevention Effects:
Promoting Healthy School Climates and Positive Youth Development"
Presenter: Jonathan Cohen, Ph.D., National School Climate Center
Date: Tuesday May 13th at 7PM EST. Click here to RSVP.
Jonathan Cohen, Ph.D. is the co-founder and president of the National School Climate Center (NSCC). Jonathan has worked in and with K-12 schools for over thirty years as a teacher, program developer, school psychologist, consultant, psycho-educational diagnostician and mental health provider. He has authored over 85 articles, chapters and books. He is a co-author (with John Devine) of the recently published volume Making your School Safe: Strategies to Protect Children and Promote Learning. He is also Adjunct Professor in Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University; and a practicing clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst. Dr. Cohen has consulted to scores of schools, districts and State Departments of Education interested in furthering social, emotional, ethical and academic education and positive school climate in America, China, Chile, Switzerland, Israel, and Scandinavia. Click here to listen to a recording of this call.
“Grassroots Organizing and Outreach”
Presenter: Marianne Manilov, Engage Network
Date: Wednesday May 28th at 7PM EST. Click here to RSVP.
Marianne is a grassroots organizer, media strategist and writer. Prior to co-founding The Engage Network, Manilov’s 20-plus year career included running campaigns and programs for groups such as Amnesty International and Greenpeace International. She is the co-founder and former Executive Director of The Center for Commercial-Free Public Education, home of the UNPLUG campaign against Channel One. Under Manilov’s direction, the Center was credited with bringing the issue of corporate influence and advertising in schools onto the national agenda, including bi-partisan congressional hearings.