I was bullied in school when I was a kid and when you defended your self you got the blame from the teacher, no wonder why it continues, teachers have a lot to answer for, they are to be blamed if the don´t stop it. And other grown ups did nothing except blaming me when I defended my self. I had to take care of the bullies when the grown ups couldn't see, then they left me alone. I still refuse to see my self as a grown up because I really hate their attitudes and I will NOT become like them. You should NOT get the blame when you defend against bullies, there is no way one should feel any pity for bullies. They should not be aloud to go to school with nice kids, the damages the do to others is not excusably. I will for the rest of my life defend kids against bullies, if I see you bullying I will be your worst nightmare.
Peace & Love
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