Bullying, The Cloud Hanging Above Me.

Hi, I'm Elizabeth. I'm 12, and I'm From New York. Ever since the fourth grade to this very day, I have been bullied. And the people who did made me suffer in pain. In fourth grade, i was only teased because of my clothes. As soon as I was in fifth grade, I was teased because of my weight and I used to be called only a few names and it wasn't that bad. Now that i'm in sixth grade, i get bullied and called fat, ugly, gay, moron , and a bitch for no reason. I was lucky that only this week I was punched in the face. I know that this a lot I should handle, but I keep it bottled up inside for no reason. My head has been swarming with thoughts of of suicide, but i know if i do that, it would hurt my family and me. My mom said she doesn't want to have to bury her daughter because they pick on me. She wants me to live a happy life, but how am I supposed to if i'm already too tired of being knocked down. My wings are broken and not mended. I want to be normal again. 

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