Hi, my name is Melanie and I am 15. I've been bullied in the past, but not anymore because I just ignored the problem and they saw it had no affect on me. Either way it's still a big problem in my school. Every day someone is getting bullied, but no one stands up for the victim. My friend gets bullied and I hate how she doesn't tell someone about it. Even my sister and her friend bullied her and that was not okay. I had to scream at them, but they still bully her even though she moved to North Carolina. If no one says anything then whats the point! If you sign a pledge or say you don't like bullies then STOP being the bully. My other friend got bullied last year. She started to cut and almost committed suicide because of it. And she has a mean mother and bd step father. She is one of the most sweetest girls I knew. They just wanted a victim and went along with the rumors that she is talking bad stuff about them when she wasn't. Bullying is not okay. So, don't say that you aren't one until you realize what you are saying. Even if you don't know your doing it, you have to hear yourself. Don't go along with other people just because you want to be 'cool'. STOP BEING THE BULLY! STOP BULLYING FOR GOOD!
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