Bullying is impossible to ignore.

I've been bullied variously ever since about fourth grade. I was able to handle the small amount of insults. Then I met my best friend (now ex best friend) in sixth grade. Well she became my best friend in sixth grade, i've known her since preschool. We would hang out all the time and do school projects together and sit together in every class. Over the summer we went to six flags all the time. Then in seventh grade we started in the beginning of the year still best friends. Over christmas break in 2012 something changed. She turned on me. When we came back in January she started teasing me and calling me all sorts of insults. She then convinced every friend I had in our class to turn on me too besides maybe two people. She would push me in the halls, try to trip me, and kick my seat in classes. She and her clique all call me names and talk about me behind my back. Shes not only mean to me, but she's mean to three or four other kids. On the last day of school she kept calling me fat and ugly. That's not how I expected my last day to go. I had to leave the seventh grade class party and went to the sixth grade one so i could be with my real friends. Over this past summer she's messaged my variously on facebook calling me queer because I listen to my favorite band One Direction. She made fun of the fact that I have frizzy hair and lastly she told me to go kill myself. This year (eighth grade) she has continued to ruin my life. She pushed me to the point where I wanted to kill myself. I couldn't do that to my parents so I took to cutting myself. I've almost completely gotten out of the habbit. I filed a bully report this year and the principal didn't really care he talked to me and told me that i should ignore it. Everyone says to ignore it but in reality you can't. So I am still dealing with this to this day. I do not know what to do anymore. I have no one left in my class to be friends with and this year we're going to DC and have to room with people. How am I going to room with this people? I just am trying to get through this by proving that what my bully says isn't true.

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