My experience with bullying was a heartwrenching one. Growing up my little brother was bullied and as a sister I stood up one day and pushed back against a couple of guys that continued to hit, push, and call him hateful names. It helped a little but I was unprepared for how I would feel when it became my son. I had to sit back and watch as no one did anything to help him. He was bullied from the time he was in 2nd grade until he was in 8th grade. He was called names, pushed down, hit , stabbed with a pencil, and even pulled down a flight of bleachers and no one did anything. The principle in his school basically said he needed to stand up for himself and they would stop.....they didn't and he learned to cope by writting and talking to me. I encouraged him in the best I knew how by listening and loving him unconditionally. I wont say that I didn't want to go to school and confront these kids, but it was looked on by the staff and principle as just a rite of passage for a boy. I want to take an active stand today and help those that are being bullied and even those that are bullying to understand what their actions can produce. So many children have taken their lives and we stand by and do nothing.......NO MORE!
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