Bullies Vs Myself. And I Won!

In fourth grade, I was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome. Kids made fun of me all the time. I ignored it until about sixth grade. In sixth grade, my tourettes were getting worse, the school work was getting harder, my days were getting longer, and my nights were getting shorter. I only had one friend and she was starting to leave me for a new crowd. Every time my tourettes would get bad, I would have to be sent home. I was a "disruption" to the kids and I couldn't handle the teachers ignoring the fact that the kids were sitting there making fun of me. In eighth grade, I was prescribed xanax to help by tourettes calm down so I could stay at school. The only problem was that just one of the pills could knock me out for nine hours. So my tourettes would come, the nurse would give me a xanax, and I had to go home anyway because I couldn't stay awake. I would sleep all day, which made me stay up all night, which resulted in my tourettes coming earlier and earlier in the morning. Since I was never at school, I never did any of the work. Since I never did any of the work, I was failing all of my classes. Then the days I did show up to school, I had no idea what was going on and the other kids called me stupid. If my tourettes started in class, the kids would make fun of me, right in front of me. By this time, my only friend had not been in my life any more. I felt like I had no one. The bullying and teasing got so bad, that I went through a stage of depression. I started faking my tics so I wouldn't have to face the bullies at school. One day my mom made me go to school anyway. And during gym, a girl started talking to me. We have been best friends ever since. During the summer, I was on 7 different medications because not only did I have tourettes, but I had anxiety, seizures, ADHD, and I also took pain medication for my sore muscles. One day I was sick of it and just stopped taking my medication. I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE TO DO THIS!!! I realize how stupid and dangerous it was! But after I stopped taking it, It seemed like everything got better. I still have tourettes but not very often. I still have ADHD but its not bad. I no longer have seizures, and I sometimes still have anxiety attacks. But since everything was better now, By the time freshman year rolled around, I was a new girl. I barely had tourettes, so I only got sent home from them once. I got on honor roll, and ended up missing only like 7 days! Kids weren't making fun of me any more. They still don't talk to me, but at least their not being mean! Some people have even apologized to me! No matter how much I was bullied, I got back up and brushed them off! I am now entering my Senior year and have a bunch of close friends! In the back of my mind, I am thankful for the bullies. They were the only ones that didn't treat me like a new born baby and the only made me stronger!!

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