I was in the 2nd grade in a small town. I rode the bus that picked up kids from elementary, middle, and high school. There was a high school girl that got off at my same bus stop and walked the same route home as me. I don't really know what inspired her to pick me as her target but she would talk bad about me, say mean things, poke at me, push me. I had an older brother so it didn't bother me at first but when I seen it was happening more and getting worse I told my older sister who was also in high school. She became upset and decided she would ride the bus to see what was happening. As usual the girl was calling me names and even tried to bully my sister once we got off the bus to walk home. My sister turned right around and confronted the bully and said "leave my sister alone do not touch her do not talk to her" in the most loud and stern voice. In this situation that worked. I always stood up for myself after that but I know that doesnt always work. You cant ever stop though. You have to always stand up for what is right, or what you believe in. I taught my own daughter never to be a bully or watch someone get bullied. I used tell her, what if someone who chooses to bully as a kid, ends up being in the hospital as an adult (for example) and their doctor or surgeon happens to be the person that was their victim. You dont know what the future will bring. Treat people as you want to be treated. My situation turned out ok but I do not accept bullying in my family or in my life period.
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