Sometimes, your closest friends can end up being the worst bullies. I am in 7th grade. I go to a private school, and the classes are really small. I have been bullied for a long time.
Sometimes, we think bullying is when someone calls someone a bad word, or physically hurts them. No. Bullying is everywhere.
I have been friends with this girl for the longest time.
But last year, she started getting really rude. She would call you mean names, push you, shove you, and if you got really hurt and she could tell, she'd say "Just kidding girl! We really need to hang out sometime."
When she kept doing this, it was really hurtful.
She only said nice stuff to you after the bullying. She didn't want to get in trouble. It really is mean.
She is still doing this, and I don't know what to do.
It really hurts and I want it to stop. Everyone thinks its funny until it happens to them, yet, no one has told her to stop. If you tell her to stop, she overreacts and goes to talk to her friends. I need help.
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