I was 10 when I was bullied for the first time. I don't know why but suddenly my friends didn't want to be seen with me. I was overweight and suddenly that mattered too. I was 12 when people started knocking books out of my hands. I was 15 when I ate lunch alone in a closet for the first time. I was 16 when boys started pointing at my body in gym class and laughing. Girls would smirk or giggle at me in the hallway. Random boys in the hallway would come up and ask if the could "titty F$@k me" laughing as they walked away. Girls would call me fat, weird, would look at me like I offended their eyes. I thought about ending my life constantly. I felt hopeless every day was was a void of nothingness. I hoped every day as I drove to school that another car would crash into mine. I barely made it out of high school. I felt horrible at college though, I thought every person I met would hurt me, would hate me, would think I was worthless, weird, fat...But I made friends, my success was recognized, I dated an amazing successful man who had his own terrible struggle with bullying and we now stand together to help raise awareness about mental health and bullying.
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