I had a friend that was always outcast-ed because they were "weird and fat." I hadn't ever been friends with them, I was in on the bullying and picking on because, well, I didn't want that to be me. I would pick on them just as much as anyone else. I remember one night, my best friend was having a sleepover. During dinner, my mother mentioned something about my grandmother, who just happened to have thee same name as the kid that was being bullied. My friend then said, "Ewe, don't say that name, that's the name of the kid that no-one likes." "Why?" my mom asked. "Because he's fat." she said. That was terrible. I sat thinking throughout the rest of the weekend, what if that was me? The next day at school I talked to them and realized they were just like any other kid and I became friends with them. That really made a difference. You just need to be there.
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