Hi, my name is Alyssa. All through out school I seemed to fit in, but i learned from a very young age to stick up for people who may not always be able to. It wasn't until I got to high school where I experienced bullying for the first time. My friend had said something, and I stuck up for her and thats when the nightmare began. I was bullied everyday for just about anything they could find. I had gum put in my hair, a hate petition wrote and signed by almost the entire school, trash thrown at me, threatening phone calls at 3am threatening to kill me, and people who waited by my locker, outside and sometimes in public places. I felt alone, I finally confined in the school principle and the response I got about the bullying was "Well what did you do to them?". I knew then that it was up to me to fight for what I thought was right. I never retaliated because then they would have won. My exterior was strong like steal, but inside it killed me. It got better after two years of the torment and I was able to graduate. I knew I could help make a change by becoming an educator for young children to try and stop this madness before it gets out of control. Right now I am interning in a first grade classroom where we as a team DO NOT accept bullying. Does it still go on? Yes, but rarely but when it does there are serious consequences. I have become a stronger person from what i have endured and I want everyone to realize that sometimes the brightest things come from the darkest places. Peace & Love.
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