Adult Bullying in Youth Sports

Why is it that people are not addressing Adult Bullying in addition to Youth Bullying?  We've seen more and more youth coaches using the same bully techniques against players on their teams that young people are using in schools.  Intimidation, putting down and playing mind games with players all for benefit of their son/daughter or friends. 

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  • Ryan Knowles
    commented 2013-04-03 17:39:38 -0400
    Daniel, Part of our campaign is to bring awareness to adult on adult bullying but also adult on child bullying. Bullying is not something that end’s at childhood and we recognize that, but if we can teach our young people to be empathetic, respectful, and caring for one another’s well being, the likelihood of it carrying on into adulthood is reduced.

    Help us spread the good word, check out our tools and resources ( and think about hosting a screening of BULLY in your community (!

    The BULLY Project Team