A story of a person who survived bullying!

I am born with a disability called Cerebral Palsy which make me talk and write a little different then others. Also, I had trouble with drooling because the impulse of my brain to remind me to swallow was damaged, I was teased everyday in public school. Kids would call me slobber girl and it was mostly boys who teased me, they would tell me, that I was gross and no boy would ever date me. I would get grossed out looks everyday. I also felt like a burden to people. I became very suicidal and wanted to take my life.  I attempted suicide when I was 12 years old and I think what stop me was picturing my family at my funeral wishing they could of done something more and also, God had showed me that I did have purpose in my life.

When I was 15 years old, my family was sick of me getting bullying and the teachers not doing anything, they transferred me to a private Christian school, which was so good for me and help me to start building my confidence and self-esteem up. I am now 23 years old in Bible college. I am glad that I didn't kill myself because I now want to help kids who are being bullied by being an inspirational speaker and counselor.  I want to show them that there is hope, that they are special, they have purpose in their life, and they are not alone.  Jesus saved me that day for a reason and I will spend every breath I have, speaking for those who can't speak for themselves.

Lastly, for those who are being bullied, I  want you to remember from now on, that every time someone tries to tell you that you can't and the world tries to define what or who you are those voices tonight are silenced, because you are not defined by world, but by God and God says you are beautiful, just the way you are and He loves you!!


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