Grade 7 is when it started. At first it was just a few people calling me names and making fun of my lisp. I laughed it off, pretending it didn't hurt but it did. It got worse and more and more people would judge me for my voice and people I never even talked to would just laugh at me and nobody would really want to get a chance of knowing me. I did have friends but I was still always their last option of who they wanted to spend their time with. at lunch if there was a group of us I would always end up in the back not being able to get a word in. grade 8 came along and it was the same, but worse, people started to write things on my locker. I joined drama thinking that might help but it made things worse, people laughed at me every time i performed and in the halls people would call me fat or ugly, i cried myself to sleep more than anyone ever should. Grade 9 was the worst but at the same time the best, throughout the years nobody knew i was being bullied except for me and people who witnessed it. One day we got a project and it as about bullying and i was talking to my dad about it and he said "it doesn't have to happen" that's the moment that i just snapped everything came out and i cried harder than ever. 2 weeks later my dad talked to me about getting home schooled and i agreed to it. My friends told me i was exaggerating and that I was lying and just wanted attention. I finished my grade 9 year in home school and after realizing i still wasn't happy i got the help I needed and went to grade 10 at a new school with a fresh start and I can say that it was the best year o school I've ever had. I'm still not the same happy person I was once was but I'm better and stronger than ever and I'm open to my story because I'm hoping one day it may change someone's life.
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