4th Grade

Ever since i was in the 4th grade i have been bullied & I'm sick and tired of things happening to kids (killing them self's or doing something stupid) for just being bullied, i want to stand up today for everybody who has been bullied, show & tell them that no matter what they have a friend right here (me) to talk to I've been threw it all . Name calling, hit by things people throw at me, followed home just to tease me but in the end the real world these people are just jealous of what you have and they want what you have. they have nothing better to do then to pick on the weak also cause they might be getting picked on themselves. But ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS NEVER BECOME A BULLY YOURSELF JUST THINK BACK ON WHEN YOU USE TO GET BULLIED HOW MUCH THAT HURT YOU AND THE PAIN YOU WENT THREW. 

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