I am 32 years old and can remember the names I were called and the bullying that was done to me as if it were yesterday. I was a chubby kid and I acquired the nick-name Rollie-Pollie. For those of you who don't know, a rollie-pollie is fat white worm-like animal that rolls into a ball when they get scared. I also had gotten a really bad hair cut and the kids made fun of me for looking like a boy. Instead of calling me by my name they would call me Tommy! I have never had short hair again! I am a Mom now and have witnessed all three of my children go through Bullying and I do everything I can to stop the problem! I even pulled my oldest daughter out of school to protect her from the harsh comments. I have been looking for more to do to help the community- but with my children's school they don't see any kind of bullying problem there. I vow that my children will never have to grow up to feel as if they are not good enough or that there is something wrong with them!
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