You Will Be Able To Fight It

My bullying started in the fifth grade. I had a twin brother so I would always try to fit in with him and do guy stuff. But since I was a girl, I wasn't being treated fairly, and that's when a boy, that wasn't even my brother's friend, started bullying me. He would push me down when playing sports, he didn't treat me fairly, and none of the guys did anything about it. This boy would make fun of my grades, he called me weird, poor, no one liked me, and all of this other stuff. This continued when we went into the sixth grade and he was in 3 of my 7 classes. The bullying continued during class and my teachers didn't do anything about it. This boy would kick me and take my stuff because he thought that I was "too weak" since I was a girl. I eventually told my teachers and I was transferred to the other side of the room from him, but somehow he was always put near me. The teachers didn't remember, they didn't do anything about it when it started happening again. So, I finally told my parents and they emailed this boy's mother. They told the mom how he was treating me poorly and bullying me. We get a response with lies over lies over lies about how I caused it and how I "hit him first". I got in trouble too and the whole time, my family knew that this was a lie. This bullying has stopped because the boy has matured and moved on. I am much taller than him, so now instead of me being scared of him, he's scared of me. So, the moral of this whole story is that with whatever happens, stay strong and you will be able to fight it.

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