Woe was Me...

It happened in Elementary school. The girls picked on me because i was not pretty, had braces, and was the Teachers Pet. I was friends with some girls and they were jealous of me so they called me names and spread rumors about me. They made me cry all the time however I never stood up for myself and believed all the lies they told me. I had- had enough from crying and feeling scared of them. I went to the teachers and I went to the Assistant principal. Mr. Lad- i will never forget his name. He spoke to the girls and talked about the consequences of bullying. I was able to solve and stand up to my problem all by myself. I was so proud of myself. I then moved to another Elementary school and a new face of bullying began, this time I was ready to stand up to it. I told the principal and told the girl how she made me feel. she stopped bullying me and became my friend. I have learned to be a survivor of bullying and to face my fear. I now work to help others face their own with my help as an advocate. We are all people and we all have feelings.  

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