Tori Nakol Swoape. Beautiful Princess.

It was the last week of our sophomore year. No on really knew what was going on with her until that week. Sh started expressing her feelings more. She was always a happy young lady. She was only 15. She was being bullied. On the night of May 7th, 2012, a tragic event took place. Tori Nakol Swoape attempted to take her own like because of rude things people were saying to her. Some of those things were "You just need to go f*** yourself! F*** off! You don't deserve to be here anymore!" Another one was " I would rather feed you to the hogs than bury you!!" She found the scarf her mom bought her for her birthday and hung it on the top of her closet door. She hung herself. Her mom tried calling her and calling her. When her mom got home, she stood outside her door and tied calling her approximately 5 more times. she didn't answer. But she knew she was in there. Her bedroom door was lock so she tried banging on it. No answer. When she finally got into the bedroom, there she was. Tori. Just hanging there. Lifeless. Her body was turning a slight gray. Her lips were purple. Lana, Tori's mom, had called an ambulance. she was rushed to Riley Hospital for Children, where she was put on life support. The doctors and nurses did EVERYTHING in their power to bring this young teen back to life. They did all they could do. May 8th, 2012. 5:10 in the evening. This young lady completely lost her life due to Bullycide. Ever since this tragic day, I have done everything in my power to end bullying in our generation. It's time to take a stand and make a difference.

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