Here are the specifics: Dads Training Weekend October 11-13, 2013 Friday evening through Sunday morning Berachah at Buck Creek 67404 SR 410 East, Greenwater, WA Free food (5 meals) and lodging Handicap Accessible Bring your bedding and pillow, and all the questions you have! We will be providing five meals over the weekend, buffet style, which are provided by the camp. You are welcome to bring snacks and drinks for yourself as well, but no alcoholic beverages are allowed in the camp! Once you have registered, you will see the Thank You page, which means a spot at the weekend has your name on it. The camp provides the beds, but we are required to provide our own sheets, blankets, and bed pillows. So bring what you need to be comfortable. Don't forget to include a bath towel too! By providing our own bedding and towels, we keep the costs of the weekend event down, allowing us to provide more of these training weekends. Your cooperation and understanding is greatly appreciated on this matter. To register your spot or spots, simply fill out the form below, and click the "Register Now!" button at the bottom of the form. All of the fields in the form are required, we ask for your email and phone so that we may contact you regarding any changes to the workshop details.
October 11, 2013 at 9:00pm - October 12, 2013 October 11, 2013 at 9:00pm - October 12, 2013
Greenwater, WA 988022
United States
Google map and directions
John Bodkins · · 5094862378

Will you come?

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.