Standing My Ground

Bullying. That word, it disgust me. But when I first go bullied was back in 5th grade. This boy stole my bag of chips at lunch. Being me, I asked for them back. He didn't do as told so I told on him. When the teacher gave them back to me, he later called me fat. Till the end of that year kids would call me fat and pig. I didn't tell my mom, because I didn't feel comfortable. But once 6th grade year came I was scared. Every I go in to call the othe kids would stare and just laugh. Getting to my point. A couple days before my birthday a boy started to pick on me and call me names. Then on my birthday, he kicked me and pushed me around. Until I got fed with him and the othe bullies. I got suspend for 2 days. Hopefully they learn not to mess with people. You never know what they can do. But that's my bully story

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