My short story about bullying

My sister's truly beautiful daughter has been bullied through physical and computer bullying. It has gotten to the point that she is going to attempt to switch schools. When I was young and all the way up into high school, I was also bullied. I get it and it sucks. My oldest son was bullied. It's worse for kids today and it sucked for me. It sucks for my sister's daughter and I have NO tolerance for it. None! There is NO reason that a child should be bullied at all and especially to the point that they commit suicide. Everyone is different and to be different is o.k. To be a bully is pathetic and it's truly the coward's way. May we all stand up for those who are being bullied. May we ALL make a difference and stop it. In some small way let's change this. Let's make it stop and let's make this a better world.

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