my middle school and high school experience

Hello my name is Arielle I am now 21, and I have always stood against bullying my whole life, though yes I have been bullied my child hood and yes of course it is something you do not forget, as I was growing up I remember in the 5th grade before middle school id be teased about my race and how I looked and dressed and yet that was still and issue as I was growing up into middle school and high school. Now everyone always would think I was the so called "popular" person but that would only be because my mother did not raise me to be rude, that being said you can say I was too kind but I like helping people all my life I feel but in the end those so called "friends" would just use me and stab me in the back now of course I did not show that I was hurt by the people that would bully me. But growing up because I am a mixed race child people would not think I was my other ethnicities because my skin color wasn't that color or because I wasn't smart or thin whatever the case and because I would choose not to dress what do you call it?? "girly" as people say because frankly I just was not comfortable in tight clothes and make up was never for me and still to this day I do not wear make up, I believe people would judge me because I was not their girly girl. That being sad that then led into " why do you dress like that? are you gay or something?" now of course I did not know about my sexual preference until I became a little older but yes I did know I was attracted to women as well but that still does not explain the way I dress and why does it matter to other people if I am happy with my self which I was in the end, but of course I would ask my self do I dress like this because of my sexuality? no I do not I just want to walk out of the house comfortable is that so wrong?? As well as my ethnicity people would make fun of me because I'm a mixed race child and then act a little racist as to "why isn't your skin black? if your part black?" "why isn't your skin brown? if your part latina?", and "hey aren't you suppose to be smart, and have little eyes if your part asian?" it was just ridicules of the things people have said to me as I'm growing up. But, in conclusion my mother spoke with me and told me that people who bully are people who are really sad in the inside and need to pick on someone else to make them selves feel better, and she would always tell me I'm beautiful no matter what and If it was not for my mother and daughter close bond I believe id have lost my mind and be lost because of her she boosted my self esteem and taught me to accept others as well as respect others around me.

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