I'm a dancer of the dark

I am a 13 year old dancer who grew up with a strong passion towards the world of music, but never someone to share it with, I've moved to so many new states and countries i have given up on keeping track, so making real friends was never possible for me... until 5 years ago when i moved to California and my parents decided to stay, so once again...new school...new kid... i had always been the shy oddball out of everyone and most people thought it was normal, except a few who decided it was right to say "hey spaz" "hey stupid and torment me when i did nothing. so for a few years i stopped and just tried to blend in unnoticed till a few "friends" decided to create a lie about me being a ballet dancer and a girl because of it when i'm a hip-hop dancer who at that time rarely danced in front of  ANYONE because of my shyness. This rumor led to most people spinning around in circles yelling out "look at me!!" whenever i walked by. so everyday i went home thinking what i did was stupid and worthless like everyone made it seem right. Untill i met four true friends who are now close like family to me and have inspired me to chase my dreams of being a inspirational speaking and a dance teacher, by giving me the name "prophet" because they strongly know what I've been through and that i understand what its like, so to work with this drive we all have we started a group called forever movement for anyone who ever feels worthless,stupid,hated,treated like crap, to just remind them that no matter what we are all born to this earth with power no one but ourselves shall ever  understand and that is why you are you.


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