Don't Juge a book by its cover

My name is Brianna jones and i ma 10 years old and this is my story so I have a best friend of 6 years her name is sierrah and one Sunday we went skating at our local ring and we where snaping pictures and you know beain girls and we took pictures and she gave me a kiss on the Cheka and I gave her one to and some how it travel back to school and I was beain called names like gay and a fage and I started to cry beacuse I have never beain called anything like that yea I have beain called fat but this really hurt and I would not tell anyone why I was crying and then when I went to music my music teacher would not leat me leave the room unless I told her what was wrong and I didn't so my best friend did and I wouldn't talk to her cuz I thought she was telling everyone and then the music teacher told my teacher then my teacher told the peak teacher and the peak teacher made everyone to say sorry and I never have a problem but what i learned was to never stay sleint and that us my story........

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