"Clarifying bullying: Its definition and common misconceptions"

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Presenter: Deborah Temkin, Ph.d. Robert F. Kennedy Center Project Seatbelt 

Date: Tuesday, February 25th 2014 7PM EST. 

Deborah Temkin, Ph.D. is the Bullying Prevention Manager at the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. In this capacity, she founded and launched RFK Project SEATBELT, a bullying prevention campaign that focuses on creating safe environments that stop bullying before it starts. Before launching Project Seatbelt, Dr. Temkin lead the federal initiative on bullying prevention at the U.S. Department of Education from 2010–2012. In that role, she designed and led three national summits on the issue and helped coordinate the 2011 White House Conference on Bullying. She was also charged with leading efforts to provide the public with technical assistance on bullying, designing and contributing to research on definitions and anti-bullying laws and policies, and coordinating an interagency collaboration of nine federal departments. She was recognized as a finalist for the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals in 2012 for her work at the Department of Education.

February 25, 2014 at 7:00pm - 8pm

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